As clinical researchers, like other professionals, learned to work virtually and remotely during the pandemic, the biggest impact on clinical trials might be the accelerated adoption of decentralized clinical trials. “A traditional clinical trial is focused very much around research sites and the principle investigators (PI) managing the trial. When thinking about a decentralized trial, it’s really about flipping the lens to fully focus on the participants. Instead of a trial being about a site, and a PI, it becomes about a participant who's actually living and breathing that trial, all day, every day,” explains Thaddeus Wolfram, President, Matrix Clinical Trials. “Equally important is removing or lessening that intimidation and hesitancy of involving or signing up as a participant of a potential trial,” continues Brandi Buzzetta, Director of Account Management, Matrix Clinical Trials. “Participants were hesitant to go to a large academic medical center. They felt intimidated. With a mobile health clinic being mobile and flexible to go into a community, it really helped with not only awareness, but really lessened that intimidation or hesitancy to join the trial, too.”
Brandi Buzzetta |
Thaddeus Wolfram |